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SEO is a great chance for companies

SEO is an extremely important tool for companies today, because it allows positioning the informative or promotional content of a brand in privileged places for users. But what is SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization), also known as organic or natural positioning, is a set of techniques whose objective is to optimize the visibility of a website in search engines, with Google being the most relevant worldwide. These actions can be carried out within the website itself by optimizing internal code or content (SEO On-Page), or outside the website by building inbound links and social signals (SEO Off-Page).

But what signals does Google take into account to index and rank a website in its SERPs? The answer may surprise you: more than 200. And the most interesting thing is that these positioning factors are constantly evolving.

Google’s goal is to offer the most useful response to user searches and to achieve this, its algorithm is constantly learning. For this reason, SEO experts must be aware of the latest algorithm updates to continue competing for the top positions in the search engine.

Do you want to know professional SEO?


Content is the pillar on which SEO is based. Without content it is practically impossible for a website to rank in search engines. For a content to be effective it must be relevant, useful and interesting for the user, responding to their search intention. In addition, quality content generates links naturally and encourages the user to share it by increasing social signals.

When creating the content, it is necessary to take into account the keywords or keywords, that is, the terms that the user types or pronounces in the search engine to obtain their answers. “Italian restaurant in Madrid” would be an example of a keyword.

A keyword study is the basis of content creation since without it we would be blind. Once the keywords are identified, it is necessary to place them in strategic places on the web such as the H1 and H2 headings, the URL or the Title meta tag.

User experience

User experience is related to Rankbrain, the machine learning algorithm based on Artificial Intelligence that Google uses to help sort and improve search results.

Google advances every day to better understand search intentions and tailor results accordingly. The website that offers the most useful answer and the one that is easier to navigate is the one that will win the favor of the user and, therefore, that of Google, which will position it better.

Statistics such as click-through rate, bounce rate or time spent on page can help us to know the degree of user satisfaction with a website. Likewise, if the user experience is good, it is more likely that the visitor will be encouraged to leave a comment evaluating the content positively or share it on their social networks, enhancing the relevance of the web before Google.


The performance of a website is key for SEO positioning since, if it is optimal, the user experience increases. In this sense, loading speed becomes important. Users wait an average of 5 seconds for a website to load. If you don’t do it in that time, they leave the page in search of another result.

Mobile usability is also paramount. In full 2019, when around 60% of searches are made from mobile devices, it is essential that a website has a responsive design, that is, that it is viewed correctly from any device, be it a PC, a smartphone or a tablet.

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